ASCII Character Codes Chart

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. In order to display certain characters or symbols within your HTML pages, you must use a special ASCII code. The codes below display the character, description and HTML code when displayed on your web page.

NOTE: In order to control exactly what characters are displayed for each code, instead of allowing things to default to a browser's settings, you must place this line between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags of your document, this is the actual setting for this page:

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

Result Description Entity Number
  space &#32;
! exclamation mark &#33;
" quotation mark &#34;
# number sign &#35;
$ dollar sign &#36;
% percent sign &#37;
& ampersand &#38;
' apostrophe &#39;
( left parenthesis &#40;
) right parenthesis &#41;
* asterisk &#42;
+ plus sign &#43;
, comma &#44;
- hyphen &#45;
. period &#46;
/ slash &#47;
: colon &#58;
; semicolon &#59;
< less-than &#60;
= equals-to &#61;
> greater-than &#62;
? question mark &#63;
@ at sign &#64;
[ left square bracket &#91;
\ backslash &#92;
] right square bracket &#93;
^ caret &#94;
_ underscore &#95;
` grave accent &#96;
{ left curly brace &#123;
| vertical bar &#124;
} right curly brace &#125;
~ tilde &#126;
¡ inverted exclamtion &#161;
¢ cent sign &#162;
£ pound sign &#163;
¤ currency sign &#164;
¥ yen sign &#165;
§ section sign &#167;
© copyright &#169;
« left double quotes &#171;
® registered trademark &#174;
° degree sign &#176;
µ micro sign &#181;
paragraph sign &#182;
» right double quotes &#187;
¿ Inverted question mark &#191;
÷ division sign &#247;
dagger sign &#8224;
double dagger &#8225;
euro sign &#8364;
Trademark sign &#8482;